While many offices charge you tens of thousands of dollars, West Bronx Housing helps you process your green card renewals and applications for citizenship, for free!
Our Services
Are you ready to become a citizen? We provide free application assistance and will help you submit your application.
Do you know what a one shot deal is, and do you know what a commitment letter is? West Bronx Housing can help you apply and process your one shot deals, and can outreach to charitable organizations to supplement the calls that you’re already making.
For those of you who are having a difficult time passing the citizenship test or difficulty with affording the application, we can help you apply for a medical or hardship waiver.
Contact Us
We at WBHNRC help you better understand your options. We want to advocate for you and help you find the best resources to solve your problem. We are funded to provide the services primarily in Bronx Community Districts 5, 7, 8, 12 some services are available to all Bronx residents.